(+5255) 55 5408 0072 agnesewald@hotmail.com


1.- Iced lemon pie.
2.- Cheese pie
3.- Cheese pie with peaches
4.- Cheese cake with strawberries
5.- Coffee cream caramel**
6.- Coconut cream caramel**
7.- Cheese cream caramel
8.- Chocolate cake
9.- Peach mousse
10.- Chocolate mousse**
11.- Mango mousse**
12.- Kalhua mousse (coffee liquor)
13.- Pears flamé with ice-cream
14.- Banana flamé with ice-cream**
15.- Apple strudel
16.- Slices of fried apples**
17.- Apples cooked in the oven
18.- Fried bananas **
19.- Orange pancake (crépes)
20.- Cajeta or Nutela crépes**
21.- Fruit of the season.
22.- Fruit pulp and cheese**
23.- Flavored gelatin.
24.- Cajeta gelatin**
25.- Haggen Daas ice cream.
26.- Pear Bell’Elène with chocolate and vanilla ice-cream
Feel free to contact us at: agnesewald@gmail.com or call 55-52-3-579-1053. Page Last Updated:Monday, November 2, 2015